I will be waiting for the comments and feedback from users about this version and the donate for a better free release. Thanks.
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Estaré esperando por comentarios y feedback de esta versión de todos los usuarios y también una donación para ir mejorando la versión libre. Gracias.
WPeMatico Download (Last free version from WordPress Repository)
Access to Download Area here for DOWNLOAD PRO Version
OK,here are the changes since 0.82B
- [PRO]
- Added New Feature: Custom Title with counter.
- [/PRO]
- Added {author} tag for retrieve the name of the Author of the post.
- Added {authorlink} tag for retrieve the original link of the Author of the post.
- Added new method for check duplicate posts also with the source permalink.
- Added option for display or not the dashboard widget.
- Fix automatic update issue bettwen standard and Pro versions.
- Fix some display issues in Keyword Filters box in PRO.
- WordPress 3.3.1 compatibility.
- WordPress 3.3 compatibility.
- small fix with php function str_replace
- New PRO version available at website.
- [PRO]
- New features: Delete last HTML tag option, Words count filters, Keywords filtering.
- New options for enable or not new features: Words count filters, Keywords filtering.
- Words count filters. Count how many words are in content for assign a category or skip the post.
- Also the content can be converted to text and cutted at wanted amount of words or letters.
- Keywords filtering. You can determine skip the post for certain words in title or content.
- [/PRO]
- Fixed images process after rewrite functions for not upload deleted images at content.
- Fixed spaces at images names.
- Fixed little duplicate thing on titles with special chars.
WPeMatico is for autoblogging, automatically creating posts from the RSS/Atom feeds you choose, which are organized into campaigns. For RSS fetching it’s using the simplepie library included in WordPress. Also for image processing it’s using the core functions of wordpress. Translations ready. .pot english file included for localize. Translations files are welcome. I take code from many many other plugins, but for this plugin I read a lot of code of the old WP-o-Matic and also old versions of BackWPUp. Thanks to the developers;) If you like, please rate 5 stars. thanks 🙂
Supported features:
- Campaigs Feeds and options are organized into campaigns.
- Comfortable interface like Worpress posts editing for every campaign.
- Multiple feeds / categories: it’s possible to add as many feeds as you want, and add them to some categories as you want.
- Integrated with the Simplepie library that come with WordPress. This includes RSS 0.91 and RSS 1.0 formats, the popular RSS 2.0 format, Atom…
- Feed autodiscovery, which lets you add feeds without even knowing the exact URL. (Thanks Simplepie!)
- Unix cron and WordPress cron jobs For maximum performance, you can make the RSS fetching process be called by a Unix cron job, or simply let WordPress handle it.
- Images caching are integrated with WordPress Media Library and posts attach. upload remote images or link to source. Fully configurable.
- Words Rewriting. Regular expressions supported.
- Words Relinking. Define custom links for words you specify.
- Words to Category. Define custom words for assign every post to specified categories. Thanks to Juergen Mueller at Wirtschaft
- Detailed Log sending to custom e-mail. Always on every executed cron or only on errors with campaign.
- Option to replace title links (Permalink) to source.
- Post templating.
- Multilanguage ready.
- Tested in WordPress MULTISITE
Extra PRO features
- Delete last HTML tag option.
- Words count filters. Count how many words are in content for assign a category or skip the post.
- Also the content can be converted to text and cutted at wanted amount of words or letters.
- Keywords filtering. You can determine skip the post for certain words in title or content.
- Custom Title with counter.
PHP5 is required!
Copyright 2010. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.